Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yakitori story

God bless the waitress at the yakitori place I went to last night. She looked like she couldn't have been out of high school yet, but she still did an excellent job of dealing with this idiotic foreigner. Apparently my dinner came with a choice of three sides, which she didn't know how to say in English, and I didn't have a CLUE how to say it in Japanese. The only word of her explanation I understood was 'cheese,' which just confused me even more. After some interesting sign language communication I ordered one of the words I didn't recognize (konnyaku) so I could see what it was.

I felt a bit better when I got it and I STILL didn't know what it was. It was kinda nasty, but at least it wasn't something I should've known!

Apparently it's a gray, gelatinous...glob made from a type of potato. It has no flavor and
a consistency somewhere between jello and cartilage. The topping was some kind of meat sauce

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