Tuesday, April 8, 2014

One-offs, pt. 2

Who serves salad with loose corn kernels in it when you just have chopsticks to eat with? Who thought that was a good idea?

The 5 yen coin is the only piece of currency I’ve gotten hear that didn’t have an Arabic numeral on it, just the Japanese numeral. Wonder why…

The rail on the escalator at my metro stop is purple.

They say to prepare yourself for how culturally homogenous Japan is (the country’s only something like 1-2% non-Japanese), but that didn’t really sink in until this morning on the metro. It’s really weird to be packed into a 75 foot long metro car crammed full of people and be the only non-Japanese (or at least non-east-asian) person on the car. Then you hit a major hub, the car empties, and an entire new car’s worth of people get on. And you’re STILL the only non-Japanese person on the car O__o

I’m beginning to miss having conversations where I actually understand what’s going on >__<

At fancy Japanese restaurants, the staff welcome you the entire way to the table, then thank you all the way to the door. Coming in, I heard ‘Irasshaimasse!’ from the maitre’d, my waitress, another waitress, and three sushi chefs. Repeat on the way out with ‘Arigato gozaimashta!’ and with the owner bowing and saying it three times in a row as I walked away from the restaurant.

I passed a woman on the subway wearing a peach kimono and a pink sash—with an iPod tucked in it.

Note to self: I apparently wear an XL in Japanese sizes.

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