Tuesday, April 1, 2014



For the month of April, I'll be travelling Japan and, as with earlier travels, I'll be keeping a blog so folks back home can keep in touch. I'll also be adding photos on Facebook and my flickr account here, so gird thine retinas for a neon assault of pictures of food, skylines, scenery, and random weirdness. My goal is to more-than-match my blog from my last travels, which got a little sparse towards the end (I blame Anna and pay-by-the-minute wifi), so hopefully I'll manage a post per day. Don't hold it against me if I don't!

As for trip details, I'll be gone for a grand total of 21 days, and will be staying in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, with excursions to smaller cities, shrines, and landmarks as I go. This trip will, in fact, be a vacation, and not a whirlwind attempt at seeing EVERYTHING JAPAN HAS TO OFFER, so I won't have any problems with spending a day hopping from coffee shop to coffee shop to sushi shop. I apologize in advance for any boring posts such lazy days result in!

Oh! And about the blog's name: "gaijin" is Japanese for "foreigner" or "non-Japanese." I tried thinking of witty or clever ways to pun off of it, and a play on the drink was the best I could think of. So sue me :)

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy following along!

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