Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sushi dinner, numero uno!

The upside of being awake at 2 in the morning Seattle time means I'm up just as restaurants in Tokyo are starting to open for dinner and I get quick responses to my emails ^__^

Just got my first official dinner reservation in Tokyo at Sushi Bar Yasuda, which is supposedly one of the best (if not most conventional) sushi places in Tokyo, and at a quarter the cost of some of the really big name places (*coughcoughJirocough*). The owner apparently was the head chef at the top sushi restaurant in New York for almost thirty years before going home to open a tiny (eight, count 'em, EIGHT seat) sushi-ya that he runs alone with his wife.

Yasuda's reply to my email also marks the first time I've been referred to as "Russell-san" since my last semester of Japanese in 2010, which made me smile :)

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